Brooklands Care Ltd
About Us
Our Role
Supported living refers to a scheme that provide personal care to people as part of the support they need to live in their own homes, meaning that the service users have a home of their own and benefit from a greater autonomy as far as their environment is concerned. The personal care is provided under a separate contractual arrangement to those of the person’s housing. The accommodation is often shared, usually as a small group, but can be single household. This Statement of Purpose is available to all relevant and interested parties including Service Users and their families and friends, Support Workers, Social Services and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Registered Provider
Aims & objectives
to be a beacon of quality SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICE
Service Users
Whilst exercising their right of choice and in a safe environment, each service user is encouraged and supported to take responsibility for their lives and to do as much as they possibly can in their daily routines.
Service users are supported to make informed decisions that show their preference and choice within their home or in the community. We hold individual monthly (or whenever needed, if sooner) service user review meetings where we actively seek service user views as we monitor the quality of the service we provide and deliver.
Service users are supported to access a range of religious services of their own choice and according to their chosen faith and beliefs. Short holidays may be planned in consultation with service users, social care managers, families and relatives, advocates, staff, and mainly the Registered Manager.
Each service user is given an easy read Tenancy Agreement specifying the terms of their tenancy.
The registered manager and allocated key workers will go over the Tenancy agreement as many times as required to make sure the service user understands what is entailed in the agreement.
The appointed next of kin will also be provided with a copy of this agreement.
The following procedures make all the difference to a service user’s quality of life:
- Service users are supported to lock their own personal areas if they choose to do so.
- Staff, family and relatives including other professional teams always knock-on bedroom doors and bathrooms before entering.
- Staff and all visitors will always wait to be invited into service users’ personal spaces unless it is an emergency.
- Service users have privacy in reading mail or during telephone calls.
- Service users can dine and entertain privately if they choose.
- Consultations with professionals will always be private, unless invited.
When dealing with a service user’s personal information, whether in the form of knowledge or in a document, confidentiality is of paramount importance. Divulging a confidence can have a very detrimental effect on a service user and any incidents or complaints will be dealt with by the Registered Manager. A breach of confidence by staff may constitute gross misconduct and can lead to dismissal. This does not affect whistle blowing rights.
Effective communication systems are essential within our service as support workers are on duty 24/7. The following measures are in place to ensure the service communicates effectively with the service users, family, friends, staff and all other health care professional teams.
- Communication procedures between the service provider, service users, staff, family and all health and social care professional teams involved in supporting service users reach an agreement prior to commencement of the care plan.
- Staff have regular contact and supervision with their line manager to discuss the individuals they are working with. Staff meetings are held monthly.
- When necessary, staff working in the community will have a mobile phone to enable staff to contact Brooklands Care Ltd in routine matters and emergencies.
- An on-call service is provided on a rota basis between the Registered Manager and Deputy Managers.
- Staff can communicate with each other 24/7 on a social media platform where only Brooklands staff have access.
Effective communication systems are essential within our service as support workers are on duty 24/7. The following measures are in place to ensure the service communicates effectively with the service users, family, friends, staff and all other health care professional teams.
- Communication procedures between the service provider, service users, staff, family and all health and social care professional teams involved in supporting service users reach an agreement prior to commencement of the care plan.
- Staff have regular contact and supervision with their line manager to discuss the individuals they are working with. Staff meetings are held monthly.
- When necessary, staff working in the community will have a mobile phone to enable staff to contact Brooklands Care Ltd in routine matters and emergencies.
- An on-call service is provided on a rota basis between the Registered Manager and Deputy Managers.
- Staff can communicate with each other 24/7 on a social media platform where only Brooklands staff have access.
More Info
- +44-783-581-4697 / Telephone: 07384 348860
- Address: Brooklands Care Ltd The Sanderson Centre Lees Lane Gosport Hampshire PO12 3UL
- E-mail:
- Web site:
Customer Benefits
we offer supported living services
Aims & objectives
to be a beacon of quality SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICE
Referrals and funding come through the Care Management processes of Social Services or Health Authorities. These are supported by;
- parental application – i.e., applications from parents with the support of the appropriate funding authority.
- Unsupported parental applications – i.e., applications from parents who are “going it alone”. These applications may arise from the service’s advisory, advocacy, and assessment processes.
- Support needs assessments – i.e., assessments performed by the service or Statutory Bodies, or independent bodies or parents.
Meeting assessed Supported Living needs & Admissions.
Before we provide this service, we ensure that all potential service users’ individual needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. Service users are only admitted after a full individual needs assessment is carried out.
We aim to ensure that the care and support the service provides meets the assessed needs of each individual, and that the service user will be accepted by the others who already reside in the house and that they are also happy to live with the service users that are already accessing the Supported Living service at Brooklands.
We ensure that needs are re-assessed as frequently as necessary, and that the care and support provided have the flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.
Immediate Admission Statement:
Brooklands Care Ltd does not accept emergency admissions.
Notice of a vacancy
In the event of a vacancy arising, the following procedure is taken:
The selection criteria relating to Brooklands is agreed; the proprietor and the registered manager of the service carry out an initial selection process. This process involves the assessment of support needs. Notice of the vacancy will be given to the funding authorities and a short-list of a maximum of six candidates will be generated.
Assessment of suitability
A programme of in-house assessment will be negotiated and agreed between Brooklands, service users, families and the funding authorities of the individuals concerned.
A full assessment report will be forwarded to all persons concerned within four weeks of the assessment taking place.
Support packages will include:
- Domestic living support
- Personal care
- Support to attend College or Further Education or work opportunities.
- Motivational support
- Provision of structure
- Developmental support
- Accessing community facilities
- Support to develop leisure and hobby activities and interests.
- Development of socialisation skills
- Employment assistance
- Programme development and implementation to meet assessed needs.
- Support to access medical appointments.
- Holidays
- Therapeutic Techniques, such as massage, relaxation etc.
- Nutritional Advice
(Arrangements for supervision of Therapies: Manager will obtain qualification status of therapist, check qualification certificate and insurance details, arrange DBS checks, a member of staff will always be present during any treatment with consent from service user)
This list is not exhaustive and support packages are designed to meet the needs of individuals who use the service.
Should the application be successful, Brooklands will enter into a formal agreement with the funding bodies concerned. The cost of individual placements will be dependent upon the identified needs of the successful individual. All service users will be provided with individual Terms of Supported Living Services.
Quality Management
Brooklands Care Ltd Supported Living service will work towards ensuring that it achieves specific standards which are key to a high-quality service provision, these include:
- Information, assessments, monthly reviews, risk assessments and objectives will be completed before and during the placement.
- The service provided by Brooklands Care Ltd will be individually designed, person centred.
- Staff will support individual service users to access services and facilities in the community.
- Identified key workers will contribute to or prepare reports for the registered manager and others as required and appropriate.
- Care plans will be regularly reviewed and monitored by the registered manager in conjunction with individuals, support workers, social workers and appropriate health professional teams to constantly improve and provide the best care and support.
Consultation of Service Users
To improve our service and continue to provide a high-quality service, we consult our service users monthly at service user meetings. These meetings are recorded formally.
Service user surveys are completed to also provide service user feedback to the level of care they are expecting and receiving.
Brooklands Care Ltd takes its duties seriously in ensuring the service provided is in a safe environment for its employees and service users.
Brooklands Care Ltd works under the Health & Safety Work Act 1974.
Training, support and information is given to staff to enable them to identify risks, avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own and service user’s health, safety and well being.
Staff will undergo health and safety and manual handling training annually.
Staff are required to inform the Health and Safety rep and the registered manager if they identify any risks within the service that may affect both the health and safety of the support worker and service users.
Fire Safety
Brookland’s fire and emergency procedures are contained in the Fire Policy. In the event of fire, the safety of life shall override all other considerations, such as saving property and extinguishing the fire.
Service Users are trained in Fire Precautions and Fire Drill regulations. Test Fire Drills are a requirement of the Health and Safety Regulations and are carried out and recorded regularly.
What to do if the Fire Alarm sounds
Follow the evacuation procedure immediately.
The assembly point is the furthest point away from the building at the far end of the garden.
- Staff present are to commence the emergency evacuation plan.
- This is to be done in a calm and controlled manner so as not to increase service user anxiety levels.
- Ensure all windows and doors are closed on leaving the room.
- Use the nearest fire exit – No one is to re-enter the building.
- Do not return for personal belongings e.g. handbags and coats.
- Do not attempt to pass others on your way to the Assembly Point.
- At Assembly Point wait for roll call (staff to call for persons present).
- The Fire Service must be informed upon arrival of any persons unaccounted for.
Risk Taking:
Risk taking and management procedures cover areas in terms of the environment, safety, and well-being of service users and staff.
Procedures also cover areas in terms of developing life opportunities with service users.
Risks are closely associated with danger, but also and more importantly, linked to development. Decisions about taking risks involve the concepts of protection on the one hand, freedom of choice on the other.
Where particular risk areas have been identified staff will follow the necessary procedures for managing the risk effectively.
The procedure involves the following elements:
- Identifying the risk.
- Undertaking the necessary assessments with all key people involved.
- Drawing up a plan of action which identifies ways to minimise the risk and criteria for success.
- Identifying areas of responsibility and accountability.
- Implementation of the support plan, identifying interventions when and how they will be made.
- Reviews and reflections to learn and improve.
More Info
- +44-783-581-4697 / Telephone: 07384 348860
- Address: Brooklands Care Ltd The Sanderson Centre Lees Lane Gosport Hampshire PO12 3UL
- E-mail:
- Web site:
We welcome and encourage friends and relatives to visit. No restrictions are placed on visiting; however, we do ask that you arrange a time prior to visiting and that visitors respect the privacy of the other service users and show consideration for their needs. All visitors are asked to sign in as they enter Brooklands.
Family, Friends and Representatives
Family input to care plans and reviews are welcome and close family members are invited to review meetings, agreed by the service user. Friendships are encouraged by the service users and active involvement in the community is part of the everyday process at Brooklands care Ltd. Friends are always welcome to visit the home. Advocates have been proven to be beneficial to service users and are appointed if requested by the individual service user in conjunction with the registered manager.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance: Brooklands Care Ltd aims to ensure the highest quality of service is provided to service users at all times.
Support Plans
We give you full support
Support plans:
Every person referred to Brooklands Care Ltd Supported Living Service has a clearly documented assessment of need which will inform their care and support plan to ensure their needs, wishes and desires are met, this is reviewed regularly as health and social care is forever evolving.
Supporting information, including risk assessments, behaviour management, will also be documented within the care plan.
The care plans are monitored closely and reviewed regularly by key workers and the registered manager. Family members and all health and social care professionals involved with the care of the service user are invited to the review meetings.
Therapeutic Techniques
Service users’ rights
The aim of good quality care and support must always be to promote a way of life for service users, which permits them to enjoy, to the greatest possible extent, their rights as individual human beings. The following rights are fundamental to our work.
Choice – Choice consists of the opportunity to select independently from a range of options. Service users will be supported to make informed and independent choices and express their preferences in the aspects of their care.
Legal and civil Rights – The service operates on an equal access basis irrespective of gender, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation. Staff ensure that individual rights are respected and balanced by the acknowledgment of responsibility of all to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others.
Staff help service users to make use of as wide a range of public services, such as libraries, education, leisure facilities and transport and service users will be supported to make full use of health services in all ways appropriate.
Inclusion – Support is prearranged to ensure activities take place at natural times and places and that individuals are provided with opportunities to become respected and valued within their local communities.
Fulfilment – The package of care and support the person receives will identify their needs, wishes and outcomes and the service will strive to support the individual achieve and sustain their life goals.
If requested, staff assist a service user to participate in practices associated with religious or spiritual matters and to celebrate meaningful anniversaries and festivals. The service ensures particular efforts to understand and respond to the wish of any individual to participate in minority-interest events or activities.
Independence – The service supports people to maintain and increase their independence skills. All risks are identified and managed as defined in policy guidelines.
Staff involve service users fully in planning their own care, devising and implementing their care plans and managing the records of care and work with colleagues, relatives and friends of service users to provide as continuous a service as is possible.
Privacy – All service users are given the opportunity for personal space and right to privacy. All personal information held on individuals is treated as private and confidential. Staff enter a service user’s room only after knocking and with the service users consent unless a risk assessment overrides this.
We respect the fact that a service user’s possessions are private and always act in accordance with the principle that our workers are guests in their home.
Dignity – The right to dignity involves recognising the value of people as individuals. All staff respect and value the personal characteristics and needs of all service users. The service strives to ensure that all experiences for service users are positive and involve new opportunities and experiences.
Security – Taking care for the security of service users therefore means helping to provide an environment and support structure which offers sensible protection from danger and comfort and readily available assistance when required. This should not be interpreted as a demand for a totally safe or risk-free lifestyle; taking reasonable risks can be interesting, exciting and fun, as well as necessary.
Brooklands Care Ltd Mission