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For supervised assisted living and all needs for senior stage care, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

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Assisted Living

Complaints and Compliments

We welcome any feedback on our services, especially from service users with their families and their support workers,

whether these are compliments, complaints or suggestions for ways of doing things better.

All written complaints are acknowledged within 5 working days and fully investigated within 28 days.

Training and advice is given to all the service users and they are fully supported throughout the process of how to make a complaint and who to complain to.

Service users can approach any member of staff working with them if they have any comments or complaints they wish to make.

If they prefer to take up the matter with someone else in the organisation or if they feel that a point that they have made is not being taken seriously or acted on, they can ask to be put in touch with the proprietor or contact CQC independently.

The parents and families are also made aware of the complaint’s procedure.

Service users have available to them a copy of the Complaints procedure, and this includes the contact name and address of the CQC Care Quality Commission.

Care Quality Commission

South East Region


Newcastle Upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 616161

Fax: 03000 616171


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